Edycja XI – STYCZEŃ 2025

Program edukacyjny skierowany do grona specjalistów i managerów utrzymania ruchu i produkcji. AZT skupia się na praktycznych warsztatach, pracy z case studies, wymianie doświadczeń oraz prezentacji nowoczesnych narzędzi.

Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis and Mitigation

Enhance Your Safety and Reliability with Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis and Mitigation

Combustible dust can pose a serious threat to the health and safety of your employees and assets. As your strategic partner in proactive workplace safety, SEAM Group offers a suite of solutions that range from the implementation of combustible dust hazard analysis programs (DHA) to employee training and consulting.

Train Your People for Success

When it comes to improving your dust-related training, SEAM Group develops customized, comprehensive dust management procedures to reduce risks and comply with industry standards.

We are uniquely qualified to identify and resolve the complex and sometimes costly controls associated with combustible dust. Our team has OSHA experience and has been instrumental in improving safety for companies in industries around the globe.

Enjoy Peace of Mind with Inspection and Assessment

A DHA is a critical step in mitigating combustible dust risks. It provides a basis for the implementation of other requirements such as engineering controls, operating procedures, training programs, inspection and testing programs, and management of change programs.

SEAM Group can execute a comprehensive DHA and then help you implement the changes throughout your organization, leading to better business outcomes.

Carpenter shaking dust off gloves
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Optimize your maintenance program and ensure your team has clear, data-driven priorities.

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Identify risks and training gaps to protect your people and operational performance.

SEAM Group facilities solutions icon


Manage your resources with confidence as you optimize asset availability and uptime.

Resolve Your Combustible Dust Challenges

Put our decades of OSHA compliance experience to work for you. We understand that each facility is unique, and the risk mitigation approach must be tailored to your specific challenges and operating environment. When you partner with us for a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA), our goal is to help you: 

Our DHA approach looks at your engineering controls and environmental health and safety policies, so we can provide comprehensive and effective solutions. 

Once the analysis is completed, we work with you to prioritize, plan, and develop control measures. We evaluate protection options, implement mitigation plans, track changes, and update the DHA. 

Our hazard mitigation plan includes engineering support including: 

Make dust analysis and training a critical piece of your holistic asset management program today.

A scalable solution for any industry

No matter your industry, SEAM Group can enhance your safety, reliability, and maintenance capabilities.

Uptime, safety and productivity issues can have negative effects on your overall operations, team performance, and reputation in the marketplace.

Companies in this industry have been hit hard by the pandemic and require robust safety, reliability, and maintenance plans to ensure uptime of facilities in order to meet increasing customer demands.

As the world turns digital-first, maintaining the safety and reliability of key equipment and data centers is the key to meeting customer uptime and SLA requirements.

Compliance, reliability, safety, and speed to market are key components for success in the Life Sciences space. Through our unique mix of services and solutions, SEAM Group has you covered.

The property management sector requires comprehensive inspection and maintenance services to deliver key outcomes such as compliance, reduced risk of fire or electrical outage, and enhanced customer experience to drive occupancy rates.

A reliable, safe and risk reduced operations is the key to running a successful oil and gas business. Let SEAM Group solutions drive you to these outcomes.

Your employees and guests deserve confidence in the safety, reliability, and maintenance of your facilities. Give it to them with our expertise.

Insurance companies should be focused on reducing their overall risk exposure to ensure customer satisfaction and team effectiveness.

With hundreds and sometimes millions of people depending on clean water and well-functioning power, the overall quality is key.

From charging station reliability to pre-build site plan assessments, we are experts in ensuring the optimal utilization of your equipment.

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The SEAM Group Difference

Collaboration and Partnership Defined

More than a vendor, SEAM Group functions as a strategic advisor to meet you where you are and take you where you need to be. We uncover quick wins, while also developing and managing long-term programs to help you exceed ongoing safety, reliability, and maintenance goals. 

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